Radium Yellowknife

Port of Registry: Vancouver, Canada
Certification: Near Coastal II
Loadline Length: 36.58 m
Beam: 8.53 m
Draft: 1.5 m (Very Shallow Draft)
Power: 1530 H.P. , Twin Screw
Gross Tonnage: 235
Certified Bollard Pull: 10.5 tons
Additional Information: Fully equipped with towing winch, 20 ton deck crane, radar, A.I.S., electronic navigational aids. Fully insured for Canadian & U.S. waters, Bonded U.S. Carrier

Toronto Drydock Limited | 600 Queens Quay West, Suite 103, Toronto, Ontario M5V 3M3
Telephone: 416-364-3244 | Email: info@torontodrydock.com